Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Deck Heroes Creatures with Stabthrough

I have been getting some traffic from people looking for creatures with stabthrough so I figured I would do a quick list. Stabthrough is a skill that passes on whatever damage you do onto the hero and is useful for curse decks or just taking out the enemy hero in general.

Pikeman (1)
Templar (2)
Archmage (5)

There you go I hope that helps those of you who are looking for it. I am thinking about coming up with an entire skill guide for people who are melding so they know what the most efficient cards are to transfer skills from. If any of you are interested just leave me a comment or shoot me a message. Thanks guys for reading!

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1 comment:

  1. thanks, just what I was looking for. Some guy whooped me with a stab through rune deck.
