Thursday, April 9, 2015

Deck Heroes Noobie Guide Day 1 Walkthrough

I have decided to create a Deck Heroes Noobie Guide because well my tablet like went black and exploded. More bad news for me: In the process of setting up my new tablet, My Character got deleted. I have contacted IGG for a restore. I am sure that I will get it but their response time is notoriously slow and since I am hurting I started over just in case.

You will probably want to skip this post if you have been playing awhile but If you are brand new. Here is a numbered list of what you should do to progress the fastest in the game. I am sorry people. For my regular readers, I will scour Youtube and try and find some helpful videos that I can post to help. Until I get a restore however, my Primary Character is out of the game.

For those of you who are brand new. Day One of this Guide will get you from Map 1-1 to 4-1, I will also show you which creatures to develop and why. This will be the most efficient use of your energy and time.

Deck Heroes Noobie Guide Day 1

1. Complete Tutorial for Flame Brave.

2. Collect Noobie Welcome Package.

3. Change your name for gems.

4. Hit up alchemy under events for free gems.

5 Hoard Gems (especially if you dont plan on getting a star membership).

6. Enhance Flame Brave until Level 10. She is an endgame creature so focus on her first.Its okay to spend most of your coins just make sure you save 22,500 to draw 5 creatures everyday so You can get coupon shard in daily tasks.

7. Add at least 2 friends and send them energy.

8. Do not use the explore option until you get to Map 3. You dont want any  more 2 star creatures trust me.

9. Continue fighting your way through Map 2.

10. Switch to Nightraider cause Stormkaller sucks.

Place Centaur Grunt in front of Neander Cards to use Miasma Extra Damage.

11. Continue fighting.

12. Deploy your cards after you enemy first deploys in order of how many Hit Points they have. This will be best strategy for awhile until you get the hang of what cards go against what cards.

13. At the beginning just use Faen Creatures in your Deck for synergy.Use the most powerful ones you have until you can farm better ones. Do not farm 2 star cards for shards unless they unlock Thalassa in Seals.

14. Farm all Zombie King shards ASAP until you get Two Thallassas. Dont forget to exchange the shards for creatures so they don't get stolen in raids,

15. Collect your coupons from Daily Tasks.

16. Continue Fighting Maps in Explorers Gate.

17. Complete the Maze and Spend Gold to upgrade chests to silver if you have it.

18. Enhance Flame Brave with Essences and Gold from Maze.

19. You can also enhance Flame Brave with any 1 star card that isn't a Faen.

20. To speed up games always place Flame Brave or Frost Rager (later) first.
and dont place more creatures than your enemy until you have to in order to win. (Until you cant destroy all creatures and have to kill hero).

21. Continue fighting on Map 3-1. Place Frost Rager in front of Insane Hunter so you can Win. Colliseum can wait.

22. Put Frost Rager into your Deck and enhance her to level 10 after Flame Brave is finished.

23. Buy anything you can afford in the Bazaar that you can afford prioritizing Energy, Glory Points and Essences. Do not use Gems yet.

24. Collect Gem Rewards.

25. Skip Colliseum and fight 3-2. I usually start using the Auto Feature after initial placement to save time. Until I lose one.

26. When you beat 3-3 stop and farm Dark Assassins for Thalassa unseal.You can find it in the source tab of the creature card.

27. Continue fighting maps until you lose.

Okay at this point I lost. so I want to touch on the subject of what happens when you lose. I lost because I forgot to add Frost Rager. So check your deck make sure every card you want is there and then try again. Some times you just get bad draw and a second try will win it.

1. If you cant beat the map that is okay it is bound to happen eventually. Dont get upset and here is what you do.

2. Go to friends tab and start adding your friends until you have the max amount. Then send them energy and hope that they send it back. I recommend starting with lower levels because high levels usually wont add noobs to their friends list.

3. Then go the Colliseum and fight there. Its all auto just look at your opponents and fight the ones you think that you can beat based on how much power they have compared to yours (at first). Only fight the ones you think you can win. You can always come back later when your deck is better. Arena moves fast at this level.

4. Go back and accept any energy you might have gotten.

5. Farm Frost Rager Shards from 3-2. She is one of the most important cards in the game and you are going to need a lot of her.

6. Collect all your remaining coupon shards from Daily Tasks

At this point I ran out of Energy so I go back to doing real life stuff.

When I run out of energy, I will wait until the Heavenly Blessing time in the Event Tab. Then I will come back try the map again. If I fail I will tell you what to do then.

26. Collect Daily Sign in Bonus if you Forgot.

After the blessing. 

1. I got stuck on Map 3-5. Going to Level up my Frost Rager to 5 before Finishing Flame Brave.

2. Might be stuck here for a minute not sure.

3. So I go back to map 1 and try to beat the other difficulties for the rewards. I do all the normal levels I can before starting on the hards.

To destroy all enemy creatures you really only need Flame Brave so dont place more than your enemy (cards).

4. Dont forget to unlock the reward chests in the lower right corner after you get your stars.

5. I leveled up my Frost Rager to 5 to give her more lasting power.

6. After getting Frosty to Level 5 I got a good draw and beat 3-5.

7. Farm 5 more Frost Rager Shards and then exchange her. Then edit her into the deck in place of one of the 2 star creatures. I will keep loading Frosters in there until all 2 stars are replaced and maybe beyond.

8. I will level up new the  Froster to Level 5 just to give her some more defense.

9. I don't farm any more zombie kings because I have enough for my first Thalassa. Later when I have extra energy I will farm more of him. Its just a waste of energy right now because you will need 12 or so of him for next Thalassa. Better ways to spend the energy right now.

10. I dont farm any more Frost Ragers because I cant get any more today.

11. I do not draw a hero with gems because there are better ways to get heros later. And you want to save your gems for 500 alchemy and then you get a free 5 star creature with your first Altar 5x Gem Bag/Draw.

12. I collect my star chest and enhance my new Froster to Level 5 and then dump the rest of the coins and essence into Flame Brave. I realize that I contradict myself but I am doing this in real time. The key point is do not develop any 2 star creatures. Its a waste of gold and essences.

13. I save about 10k in Gold for the last bazaar event tonight. I can always burn the gold later if the bazaar stinks.

14. I now have Flame Brave Level 8, 2 Frost Ragers Level 5, Magic Weaver lvl 0 and Frost Warden lvl 0.

15. By now you have realized that I think Magic Weaver sucks. Frost Warden is good though for Dungeon Maps. If you are really having trouble you can enhance her.

16. Now I lock up all my good creatures so they cannot be used as material for enhancements.

17. After I beat 3-6, I then farm more Dark Assassins for my Thalassa.

18. Then, I just keep on going into 4-1 but I get stuck but its no big deal. Tomorrow it will fall easily.

19. I only have 10 points of energy left so I just start the Maze from Map 3. I just press auto and skip. You rarely lose these maze battles. The maze is where you should burn any extra energy left and any left over after that should be spent on earlier dungeon maps to unlock the star chests.

I am going to wrap things up here with a little discussion why I am not interested in any of the Faen 3 star creatures I have picked up so far. By now you probably realize that in a couple days my deck is going to look like this. 1 Flame Brave, 1 Thalassa and 8 Frost Ragers.

Frost Ragers are still useable later in the game. If I develop that Magic Weaver then I will just be wasting essences and materials. In a map or two we will be able to farm Horned Beasts which are much better healers. Now if I get lucky and draw a good 4 or 5 star I might integrate them in. But since the first part of the game is the same for everyone strategy wise since the deck looks the same I am acting as if we will never draw any cards and telling you how to do it with what is available to everyone.

Eight Level 10 Frost Ragers will give me 2400 extra HP for all my Faen Creatures which is pretty much the best healing I am going to get at this level. Plus they only take 180 physical damage at a time and restore 180 each.

The main reason I want them though is that they are essential to a noobie guild map deck. I will still use most if not all of these ragers later.

Okay well that was a lot to cover in one day for a new player so I will wrap this up and come back after Reset at Midnight Game Server Time and Start writing Day 2 of Noobie Guide. If I dont it is because I got my restore and I can get back to work on my real guy. But hopefully this helps some of you new players,

Related Topics

Map 4-1 to 4-4 WalkThrough
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Deck Heroes FAQ

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