Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Deck Heroes Frost Rager Melds

Frost Rager Melds

I have separated the Frost Rager into two different pages. She is literally that versatile. I have listed Frost Rager's uses in guild maps on a seperate page which I will eventually link to here. And the regular game Frost Ragers below. She is the one 3 star creature that never really gets obsolete 

Deck Heroes Frost Rager Melds
1. I recommend Block 7+ for Frost Rager. I took Block 7 from a Lazy Guard. With this combo Frost Rager only takes 5 damage from physical attacks, making her unkillable against decks that don't/can't spam magic. In the late stages of Guild Maps you can sometimes become invincible with this meld and the right placement. A Block Rager is also very useful on Map 8-11 to block the Venom Tyrant.

***3. Reflect: is what I am going for next. I have faced Reflect Ragers in Raids and they are nigh unkillable. 

4. Bless 10 for Guild map which Slippo says is the Boss!

5. Master Chainer also advises that Sprite Link 175 from a Dream Guide or Faen Mesmer will help you farm Faen Chamber 4 if you cannot already.

6. Frost Ragers are also  awesome because you can pull Frost Armor off of them and they are very Easy to Farm. So really  you can  have multiple versions of this card and I recommend that you do. They rock a lot of the guild maps. Frost Ragers and Oracles really help on Guild Maps.

Thank You to Diana Troy, Angelspawns, Starlord, Master Chainer and Slippo and [???] for contributing to this work.

Related Topics

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  1. Frost rager is lvl 3 creature..immunity needs the creature to be lvl 4 or 5...just saying :P
