Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Deck Heroes Building a Four Star Deck

I have decided to do a post on how to make a good 4 star deck. Every since the last big update Deck Heroes has become increasingly more P2W. However I do think that if you are in a good Guild this counteracts it a little bit because 4 star hero shards are easier to acquire. The only problem is the that the Rick Kid Guilds will now have level 10 fully enhanced 4 star Heroes as well and be eons ahead of the rest of us. I will be doing a discussion of Pay to Win that I will link here. Some of them have already paid for 5 star heroes by now.

Deck Heroes Building a Four Star Deck

But the good news for us is that being able to develop a 4 star hero quicker will enable us to build better guild map decks. Being able to own guild maps will give you more gold and shards and enable you to make more good 4 star Melds. As this video from Ragnarok 888 shows below, many 4 star melded creatures are better than mediocre 5 stars. I learned a lot from this video so a Big Thank you to Naruto. I have been making some big mistakes due to impatience that I will go over after the video.

As you can see from the Video, even a top player uses 4 star melds to be competitive and I felt his commentary on 4 star heroes was genius. I am abandoning my Devil Hunter development (fully developed he is a beast though) and focusing on Wight and Berserker from Trial and Guilds and Dragonlord from the gauntlet. I just got my wight and have developed him fairly quickly over the past couple days. I need Shadow Hex 5 or more to make a run at 9-10.

Berserker and Dragon Lord are for Guild maps (generally)

Wight is for the other stuff. But its situational based on opponents deck.

My key mistake has been not saving my gold and shards for the meld event. Fortunately I have been pretty lucky with instamelds lately. But I will now only spend gold on evolving creatures and then I will wait for the melding event to use the bulk of my gold and shards to really have a go for it. I have posted some of Ragnaroks melds from the video below and then I will link to the master melding guide in the other topics section.

Four Star Melds from Video

Eye of Jonarra with Frost Armor
Graboid with Frost Armor
Horned Beast with Recycle
Centaur Chief with Frost Armor

Related Topics 

Master Melding Guide
Guild Deck Melds

Monday, March 30, 2015

Deck Heroes Creatures with Sweeping Blow

I have been getting some traffic from people looking for creatures with sweeping blow so I figured I would do a quick list. Sweeping Blow is a skill that passes on whatever damage you do onto the creatures adjacent to your target and is very useful for guild maps (and other stuff) especially when paired with battleblow. So here we go with a quick list of creatures with this unique talent.

Deck Heroes Creatures with Sweeping Blow

Okay well sorry for the short post but it is monday and I have got stuff to do so. Still I wanted to pop a couple posts onto  here. I am going to hopefully do a couple more meaningful Deck Heroes Posts soon. I am working on a Guild Deck post but I haven't fleshed out all my ideas yet. 

Related Topics

Creatures with Stabthrough
Master Melding Guide

How to Check My Referral Code Deck Heroes

Okay I am going to add a little post on how to check your referral code. It is a pretty easy process so I am just going to add a little task list here and add it to my beginners guide for Deck Heroes. I hope that this post is what you were looking for. I got a lot of traffic for Check My Referral so I decided to post this.

How to Check Your Referral Code Invites

1. Open the Earn Gems Tab to the Right

2. Find where it says Player Invites or Invite Players to Deck Heroes. It will tell  you how many invites you need to get the next gem level.

3. You max out your referrals at 25 and can earn up to 1100 gems I think.

Well that is about it for checking your referral code. Remember they are all the same. No code will give you anything more than a few gems and some coupons. Don't pay any attention to the wild claims going around.

Related Topics

How to Spend Your Gems on Deck Heroes

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Deck Heroes Guild War Glitch Hack Exploit (Patched)

First of all, I just want to thank Stargater for finding this Deck Heroes Guild War Glitch. Its a shame that a lot of the top Guilds were using this exploit to reuse their Heroes and cards to get extra couriers but that is okay. Just want to say a big thank you to Stargater for publishing this so we can all utilize it and hopefully IGG will fix the bug.

This Exploit has Since been hacked April 29, 2015. Sorry Folks.

Deck Heroes Guild War Glitch Hack Exploit

Well there it is folks. I don't have any reason not to believe that this is true. Stargater07 is a very respectable guy. So now at least all of us can use this glitch or contact IGG to try and get it fixed. I will try it out in the next guild war and see if i can get it to work.

Here is something of interest to those of you who witnessed all this Drama. Here is Swanky's reply to what happened on all of this posted on the IGG Forums:

"Swanky was dismissed from WK for sharing information outside of the guild." Thats a quote directly from MATADOR, the guild leader of WK. He was telling this to Starggater07, the guild leader of VM. To me, that is sharing information outside of the guild. A huge lol. It shows me exactly where WK is heading. When I joined, it was day 1 of guilds. We grew fast. We gained some amazing players and people. Due to our recruiting tactics, and persistence to recruit the top players, we quickly became and stayed #1 guild. We were proud to be number one! We worked to make WK what it was and is today. But recently, the feel in he guild changed. Council has either become nazis, or puppets. MATADOR has recently proven to me and the entire DH community, that WK does not care about anyone. They only care to maintain #1. They resort to below fair tactics, using multiple guilds to guild jump and hit multiple maps simutaniously. Sending spies into the chats and ranks of other top guilds. KICKING MEMBERS FOR SHARING GAME ADVICE WITH PLAYERS OUTSIDE OF WK. Using ingame bugs to create unfair advantages durring guild wars. Mikhal is adamently trying to figure out the mechanicsnof the gauntlet, an an attempt to fix the decks he comes up against. And other stuff I won't mention. To me, this is borderline cheating. They made this game something it wasn't ment to be. I love most members of WK. I've meet some really awesome people there. WK was a family to me. But recent events have opened my eyes to how they really are. They have no interest in a fair competition. Only to maintain their elitest status. They say giving guild map damage tips to people is wrong. They have banned their members from even talking to me. Friends. They risk kicks if found talking to me... Just lol. I'm glad they kicked me. I love most of WK, but its no longer the guild I thought it was, and I won't miss it long. And to WK members too afraid to even talk to me now, grow some balls. Its funny you let them control who you talk to. I'll miss all engood people, and I feel sorry you feel you have to keep quiet just to stay WK. But if that's the guild you want, best of luck to you. 50 people think WK is really #1, and they are WK. The rest, who play fair and put people before a game, know VM is really #1, with Heartless a very close #2. WK is a joke that we gotta see a the top of our rankings page, kinda like an advertisement in a phone game. Nothing more, and not really #1. I'd rather have an lower rank with good people, then to have to fear a guild kick for showing someone a screenshot, or talking to a friend. Just a joke now. Lol, I'm done. Just wanted my view to be seen, as WK members have blocked me in chats, but will surely see this. Fux WK."

Drama Drama Drama lol. I just don't get how people can get that wrapped up in a silly game. I love it don't get me wrong. I am in a competitive guild (top 50) but we don't take ourselves that seriously lol. The Wight Knights don't really vex me all that much (for good or bad) and I really like Stargater. I have talked to him several times and he is really nice. But I have/had some friends in WK too. I just don't have the money/time/social skills necessary to be in one of those top guilds. I am too casual.

I do want to be a good player but after a 2 week forced hiatus due to my tablet exploded, I am really far behind now. I guess I understand the class warfare in games. The rich kids in WoW always bought their characters and stuff but I guess I am just used to it now and it really doesn't bother me that much.

Other Topics

Deck Heroes Gauntlet Bug Exploit

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Deck Heroes Creatures with Stabthrough

I have been getting some traffic from people looking for creatures with stabthrough so I figured I would do a quick list. Stabthrough is a skill that passes on whatever damage you do onto the hero and is useful for curse decks or just taking out the enemy hero in general.

Pikeman (1)
Templar (2)
Archmage (5)

There you go I hope that helps those of you who are looking for it. I am thinking about coming up with an entire skill guide for people who are melding so they know what the most efficient cards are to transfer skills from. If any of you are interested just leave me a comment or shoot me a message. Thanks guys for reading!

Related Posts

Master Melding Guide

Deck Heroes Lucky Patcher Hack

Okay, for like one minute I got duped into exploring this exploring this Deck Heroes Lucky Patcher Hack thing. A guy on the chat was saying how he used lucky patcher to hack the deck heroes and get himself an armageddon. So I spent a couple  hours researching and in the end I decided I wasn't interested because you had to hack the Google Play store to make it work.

Interesting Flashback Backstory

Well I ran afoul of google (accidentally I didnt know I was using Blackhat SEO. I just found something that worked and did it. I had no idea that Google had a T.O.S for how it indexes your website). Needless to say, I can never use Google Adsense ever again and that sucks.

After that I made the decision to never mess with the Almighty Google again on purpose or accidentally.

But in Theory, You might be able to pull it off. Disclaimer: Do your own research. I am not going to hack and will not be responsible for your actions. But here is the site where you can download the Lucky Patcher and Modded Playstore.

Lucky Patcher Netbrew

Deck Heroes Lucky Patcher Hack

Now I do think that the Lucky Patcher app has its uses if you are smart enough to use it especially if it is legit and can get rid of the ads in various games. And I know from asking around that there are a few games that appear possible to be hacked with it. It's just above my pay-grade so I will let the real hackers do it lol.

But mind you this same guy who said he hacked deck heroes was complaining in the chat a week later that he only had 2 five star heroes. So I am a bit skeptical as to whether Deck Heroes can be hacked because all the info is stored on the cloud.  I think he was either shilling or just boasting because If i had unlimited gold and gems u better believe I'd have more than 2 cards to show for it. But maybe I am wrong. I am not denouncing him by any means. I just don't feel the risk is worth the reward for me. Getting banned after putting 3 months of work in would really suck.

I got caught up for 2 hours of my life imagining how much faster my progress would be. I was frustrated by the P2W structure of Deck Heroes and wanted a shortcut before coming to my senses. Now before I make someone mad. I do think it is possible to be competitive in Deck Heroes without paying for it. But if you are like me and made mistakes when you are a noob then it is going to take a month or two to correct those mistakes. Being able to buy gems and refresh your energy really speeds things up.

It is up to you whether you want to explore this further. I just wanted to share my experience with you so it doesn't feel like I wasted two hours of my life for nothing. I am sorry if it wasn't helpful though. The main point of this article is that from what I learned Deck Heroes is going to be hard to hack (if you are like me and not a hacker) because of the info being saved on the cloud.

The lucky patcher app however looked kind of interesting. Its not just for hacking games. I just didnt think I had the technical know how after watching a video to make it worth downloading for me. It might be better for you.

Related Topics

Deck Heroes Gauntlet Bug Exploit

How to Get 5 Star Cards in Deck Heroes

I've had a lot of questions from new players asking how to get 5 star cards in Deck Heroes. So I thought I would do a breakdown of the various methods that can be employed to attain 5 star creatures. Drawing creatures isn't easy but there is one surefire way to get 5 Stars. You have to unlock the Seals. First, I will briefly go over the various methods of getting 5 star cards and then I will go through the process of breaking Seals and what cards are worth unsealing.

don't exactly agree with everything in this video but it is an interesting one from Stargater and has a lot of good advice. Lucky Spin sucks though its a sham. 

How to Get 5 Star Cards in Deck Heroes

The Certain ways to get  5 Star Cards

1. Collecting 5* Shards from Guild Maps. The only problem with this is that it takes a long time.

2. Every 10 Ultima Chests...I thought this was a good idea but a high level told me it was more efficient to buy gem bags and boosters so I am unsure. I did acquire a Titania however.

3. Buying them with Gems from Gem Shop as Rewards but this will require a small fortune of real life money.

5 Star Creatures in Seals

The primary way for you to acquire 5 star cards is to farm cards to unlock Seals. You unlock Seals by having the required amount of other cards. Then you press unseal and voila you got a 5 star. Some 5 Stars are better than others. I am going to give you a quick breakdown on the what creatures you can acquire this way and what I know (or think I know) about them.

Unsealing Creatures


1. Thalassa is awesome. You will want two of him. His recycle skill comes in very handy. For those of you who like longer fights you can last indefinitely if you have one Thalassa recycling the other and the other cards. It takes a while to get two of him but it is worth it. Not everyone keeps the second thalassa and instead melds Recycle onto another Card. I am looking into this. I am thinking about maybe mixing Recycle and Rebirth or trying to get it on Venom Tyrant which would be absolutely insane lol (dont try this).

Spider Queen

2. Spider Queen is very useful for killing Humans and she has strong immunity. I am not sure that more than one of her is necessary but its personal preference and up to you. I have seen multiples in decks and I might unlock another eventually but I have other priorities at the moment.

Moon Guardian

3. Moon Guardian is one creature I am not very sure of. Most of the players have commented that she sucks and but I don't know I usually rock a flame brave so she might combo well with her. After I started writing this post, I decided to go ahead and unseal her.

I should have her by the weekend and hopefully can report back more. I was almost there anyways and figured what the hey. I might steal the bless off an oracle for a frost rager though so it might take me a little longer to unseal Moonie. Its going to be hard to give up an oracle to make this unseal.

Upon More Thought I will probably Meld Sneak off Moon Guardian onto a more useful card kind of like having double battleblow.

Venom Tyrant

4. Venom Tyrant is worth working for. You will probably want to meld his sacrifice skill onto another card however. If you put Sacrifice on a card with better skills then you can really do some damage. It might be wise to keep him but most of my friends have melded away his sacrifice onto other cards.

Ares Deck Heroes

5. Ares is a very good card. I haven't attained him yet so I don't know how many you would want in your deck. But you definitely want at least 1. He is a badass.

6. Phoenix I don't know that much about but it is quite annoying in Guild Maps and I am sure that I will unlock him when I have the chance.  I am pretty sure he will pair well with my Devil Hunter. He can do up to 2400-4000 magic damage which is pretty impressive and has 60% rebirth.

Random Ways to Get 5 Star Cards

1. Maze Rewards
2. Gem Bags.
3. Booster Packs.
4. etc

Other Topics

Master Melding Guide
How to Beat 8-11

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

2 and 3 Star Heroes Who Don't Suck

As you move on to bigger and better things most of your 2 and 3 star heroes plus all of your 1 stars will be used as enhancement fodder for your 4 star hero. But not all the 2 and 3 star heroes suck and there are a few that you should consider keeping. I am not suggesting that you forego using a four star hero at all. But these are the lesser Heroes that I have kept around for special occasions.

I wouldn't sacrifice any Hero that is 2 stars or above that you have developed and definitely no 3 stars. Because with enough cards you can build courier decks for Guild Battles/Wars. But these are the Heroes that have other uses beyond that. If u have enough quality cards who knows maybe we will start rocking 1 stars in the guild wars but I am not sure you could plunder anyone with 1 star heroes.

Update Guild Wars: You should  be keeping all your heroes now so this post is a little bit outdated. You want as many couriers as you can possibly send out. So as long as you have a Hero and some Creatures left you should send them out.

2 and 3 Star Heroes Who Don't Suck

Agni's shards are cheap and she is easily developed. I was working on a curse deck and her boom feature can really do alot of damage to a hero. I am not sure if I will ever use her again but she might come in handy for gauntlet or guild wars with a curse deck when other cards are destroyed.

Elder Mawrek

Elder Mawrek remains useful for guild maps so I would develop this guy all the way. There are times when I prefer him over my 3 and 4 star heroes. I only wrote 2 sentences on this guy but THIS GUY ROCKS. He is my favorite lesser Hero.


Gladiator is very useful against a spam-healing Predator like the one you face on 9-10 and maybe Faen Chamber 4. Dont play any cards until your special Chainz is ready and then deploy high damage cards via battleblow, warlust, sweeping blow, or flamey brave type skills. Sometimes you can kill the entire deck. Just make sure you have some blessers like oracles to step in after you launch your attack cause your Gladiator will be weak.

Note: If you have a good Wight, then you should be able to take down a Predator. Most of the people who beat map 9-10 are all rocking Wights. But if you were like me and got Devil Hunter then you are going to struggle. I tried a bunch of different Hunter Decks and just couldn't get it done. So I am developing Spartacus to try and take down.

Tauro Brute

Tauro Brute has spikey bits which is arguable the most powerful hero skill in the game. You can switch him out with a berserker but not many people play him as of yet myself included so I just don't know much about the Berserker. I had like zero neander cards when it came time to choose a 4 star.

Update May 19th

***I was totally wrong about Balrog he is perfect for Sabotage Decks for gauntlet and certain higher map levels with Hypollata and Great Mystic. I think there is a 5 star hero with corpse disposal bet getting 5 star heroes takes a long time unless ur spending boo koo bucks.

Honorable Mentions

Chaos Witch and Balrog are not bad but both kind of superseded by Wight in my opinion. Chaos Witch can stay competitive however with the right enhancements and Deck. My Devil Hunter has lost to a Chaos Witch with much less power. But especially after Guild Wars making 4 Star heroes so much quicker to come by, I would just dump them and move on to your Wight if that is the four star hero you have chosen. Chaos Witch can reduce rage as well which can come in handy in the right situation.

Chaos Witch can be used successfully in Guild Wars with Curse Decks as another Team.

I have seen Bowmaster remain competitive pretty far. She has occasionally beaten my Deck Hunter but I think most 4 star creatures (mine included) will take her out. But I suspect these were on the top edge of development on their way out.

Captain Crook. I haven't used him in weeks but for experimentation purposes I have kept him around. Maybe for a lockdown/weaken deck. I dont think it will pay off but I am still curious.  Patriarch also makes the Captain superfluous but I don't have one so. Patriarch is not competitive at higher arena levels so he does not make this list really. But if you have him then you don't need Crook.

The rest of the 2 and 3 stars I have no use for (personally) I might be wrong but I sacrificed them for glory points to enhance my 5 stars.

Related Topics

Coming Soon (very busy today)

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Frost Rager Melds for Guild Maps

Okay I had to make yet another Frost Rager Post because the Frost Rager is like the Jack of all Trades when it comes to guild maps. I only have one meld so far listed but I have some more ideas that I will flesh out over the next couple days. This post is just for Guild Maps...If you want melds for Regular Maps or Arena I have a separate post here

Note: Frost Rager is great and very easy to acquire. But Sentry Angel will gradually replace her being that he has the same skills. But this will take a lot of time due to the fact that you can't farm him as quickly.

I wish that I could go back to day one and completely change how I played this game. I and (you) should focus on conquering the guild maps first. Finding a Good Guild with multiple open maps really helps. But regardless, with creature drop rates plummeting every update you should really focus on the getting high guild map damage. More gold and shards equals more 4-5 star creatures from shards and melds. I will be doing a separate post on guild bounties that you can find here.

The Frost Rager is a cheap and versatile option for building guild map decks. Because it already has Frost Armor and Restoration and Elven Salve, it is difficult to kill. Magic and bullseye is her only weakness but you can always get some Reflect Ragers or ImmuniRagers to tank for you vs High Magic opponents. (theoretically) So you can add a 4th skill to basically fit your needs. Here are the various melds I have or am in the process of creating.

Frost Rager Melds for Guild Maps

The Angry Rager - Frost Ranger with Angry 6 from []. This is the first Rager meld I suggest you create. It basically turns the Rager into an Ursa Major without the Stab-through which you don't want on guild maps. Now Ursa Majors are good for guild maps when the enemy only has physical damage guys left like Fafnir or Swordmaster as long as you can heal him. He might get up 5k per turn by the end if he takes enough damage.

I prefer the Angry Rager over the Bloodlust Rager because in a guild map it is almost certain that you are going to take damage but since a lot of the opponent cards that deal physical damage often have dodge (or hero puts fleet-footed on them) it is not always assured that you will do damage.

Bless Ranger-Someone suggested Frost Rager with Bless and this is an okay option on the cheap but Oracles already have great skills. I may make Bless Rangers eventually just to boost the HP of my deck but I am working on Frostacles (Oracles with Frost Armor) first especially because I need a couple more Angry Ragers

You can have a bunch of specialties for Frost Ragers because most of the beginning 3 maps do not have Titania. So basically you can create a whole squad of Ragers to be your Tanks, Healers, Support, Assassin or Fatigue. I may even try to create a lockdown rager. I hope that this has been an interesting post for you. I am getting much better at guild maps and wanted to share one thing that I have learned over the past week.

I've got some more ideas that I will post soon but I have so many posts I want to do after not being able to post for a weak. Some of my ideas for my Guild Map Guide are spilling over here. I will come back and clean it up.

The Deck I am Working On

1 Block Rager
1 Assassin Rager
2 Reflect Ragers
2 Angry Ragers
2 Oracles
2 Sprite Link Ragers

I will of course be phasing these out when high level melds like the Tauro General (and others the post is coming soon) make Ragers not as good. But for now they so cheap and easy to evolve and meld I figure why not.

Related Topics

Frost Rager Melds
Master Meld Guide

Friday, March 13, 2015

Deck Heroes Chamber One and Two Beginner's Guide

I am working on a Beginners Guide for players who are new to Deck Heroes so I figured I would rock out a quick guide for those people who have not yet achieved a working strategy to get through the chambers. I am not sure how useful this post will be for you advanced players but its just something I came up with while I was farming resources from the chambers for evolving.

Deck Heroes Chamber Guide

Deck Heroes Chamber 1 and 2  Beginner Guide

Chamber 1

You only need 3 creatures for chamber One. If you fill up your deck you might complicate things and then not get full rewards. Here are the 3 types of cards that you will need.

1. Flame Brave
2. Flame Mage x3
3. Any Disposal Card like Hanuman

Okay you start out by playing the Flame Brave after your enemy deploys his cards. Chances are She will be able to clear the chamber on her own. But if she gets wiped out you can deploy the secondary card. After your opponent runs out of cards I usually deploy the secondary card just to help wipe things up. Cards like Flame Mages can also finish the job if your Flame Brave gets locked up.

I save the Hanuman for reserve just in case theres like a Mortii card with rebirth. That way I can usually still dispose of it before Round 13 closes. If there isn't a creature with rebirth then I just wipe out the last card in the opponents queue,

Chamber Two

This is a simple chamber. You just deploy your regular deck as quickly as possible to destroy the enemy heroe. I wouldn't recommend doing it on auto from the very beginning however because sometimes it doesn't clear all the conditions. But a little strategic placement in the beginning and then you can just auto it on out.

Related Topics

Master Chamber Guides (work in progress)

Deck Heroes Beginners Guide

I have been answering a lot of questions on the Deck Heroes World Chat recently and realized it might be a good idea to make a beginners guide to help those people who are new to deck heroes. This will be a work in progress because it could become a very large post indeed.

Since writing this post I have begun a walkthrough for brand new players to the game that I feel is the most efficient way to progress. If you have been playing awhile it might not be so helpful but for brand new players its great.

Deck Heroes Beginners Guide

I am just going to start simply and tell you where you should get all your resources and stuff. I had someone asking me if they should sell all their 1 and 2 star cards which would have been bad. So okay here we go.


You should get the bulk of your gold by doing Mazes and Guild Maps. Gold becomes very easy to come by once you open up the Guild Hall. You should join the best guild that you can and be very active in the daily maps. The more maps that the guild has open the better.

Experience for Enhancing Creatures

I am not talking about Experience for your Hero here. When I say EXP, I am referring to experience for your creatures or cards. Experience comes from Essences won from the Altar, Bazaar, and Mazes and also lesser cards that you find. You should always sacrifice your bad 1 and 2 star cards for experience. Gold just just way cheaper than experience and its not worth burning creatures.

Maze Treasure Chests

I did a full post on how you should utilize all 4 of the Maze Treasure Chests that you can find here.

Map Walk-throughs

Day 1 Walkthrough
Walkthrough Map 4-1 to 4-4

Miscellaneous Topics

Exploration Guide

How to Beat Chambers One and Two

How Melding Works. 

How to Check Your Referral

I am so sorry this post is so rough, I accidentally pressed publish before it was ready again. I will be adding a lot more to this I promise.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Deck Heroes 2 Star Cards that are Worth Keeping

Okay this might be a short list but there are a few 2 star cards worth keeping and I will explain why below. I came up with the idea to do this post after someone was asking what they should do with their 1 and 2 star cards. You should keep about 3 two star cards to help you complete the dungeon maps.

Deck Heroes 2 Star Cards Worth Keeping

Flame Warden is useful skill for Dungeon Maps

Frost Warden also has a useful skill and is good for Dungeon Maps. She will give your cards a moderate heal when played and might ice up a card for you.

Black Widow has  a really good life sap which can be melded onto better creatures. It also has the highest level of Afflict so you can use your Imp Lords for other things

Okay that is my beginning to my short list of 2 stars that are worth keeping. I am sorry it is so rough and short but I have to get up and take care of Misses Impossible. I accidentally pressed publish so I figured I'd better write down what content that I had so far. Sorry about that. I will add more images, content, and hopefully cards this afternoon sometime.

Related Topics

3 Star Cards for Melding

How Guild Bounty Works in Deck Heroes

Okay I have gotten quite a bit of traffic from people looking to see how guild bounty works. So I am going to try and do at least a rough explanation here. First and foremost you must apply for a bounty to receive it. This can be found in the guild map area.

Now Guild Bounty is very confusing. I have a simple tip that helps me get shards sometimes. Look at the dungeon you are currently on and apply for the shards that is listed as Available and apply for it. Then after that dungeon is beat move to the next one. I am still a little confused but I will figure it out and let you know.

How Guild Bounty Works

When you beat the map it gives out a set amount of each item. It is first come first serve but it only gives out 1 reward to whomever has applied. So if you have 10 shards left then you can apply for it and when the hour changes it will give you one shard. You then can apply again for the next hour unless it runs out.

If you deal the last hit on a guild map you will receive extra bounty shards and credits so paying attention to the map completion percentage and timing your battle accordingly. Building a good deck for guild maps also helps but as we all know that takes a lot of time.

Each map drops specific shards as indicated in its description. When the map is cleared, then those who applied for those shards will receive them on the hour in a first applied, first receive basis. Once you receive a reward, you are automatically removed from the applications and you must reapply for another reward. There is not limit to what you can get so long as you keep applying and are next in line when the rewards are distributed. DMG Ranking only matters when the entire map is cleared and bonus credits are given to top ranking players.

There we go that is a kind of rough and tumble description of how the guild bounty system works on Deck Heroes. I will try to clean it up as I learn how it works better. I usually receive the lions share of my shards when I deal the final blow.

Related Topics

Deck Heroes FAQ
How Melding Works

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Eye of Jonarra Melds

Eye of Jonarra Melds

Eye of Jonarra Melds

Okay here are a few Eye of Jonarra Meld ideas floating around the chat and other places. I am in shard collection mode. I am going to add the general consensus and as usual I will look through my creatures and see if I have any other ideas.

1. Frost Armor seems to be one of the biggies here. Alot of people want to keep this one on the battlefield as long as possible.

2. Immunity is the other popular option because you usually put this card to the farthest right as you possibly can. Cards on the right are primarily subject to magic damage and Immunity also protects from lockdown skills. 

I know its a short post today but I promise I will be adding to it. Life is crazy busy this week but those are the two most popular melds for the Eye of Jonarra. But I will turn on the Analyzer in my brain and see what else unfolds. Have a good night all and as usual you can check out the other melds below. 

Related Topics

Monday, March 9, 2015

A Tarot Deck of Heroes?

A Tarot Deck of Heroes?

LMAO Its a Softcore Deck of Heroes for the Ladies instead of the Men. You have to read this description. It made me laugh hardcore. It might be a change of pace for your ladies out there. Except for the Tauro Brutes, Deck of Heroes artwork looks like its made to be FAP material for pubescent teenage boys. 

Richard Shadowfox's new creation, The Deck of Heroes (Schiffer ISBN: 9780764340246 ) was designed with the ladies in mind. The author writes on the box: "Every fair maid's fantasy, the dreamy men like those of romance novels come to life in this breathtaking 78 card Tarot deck". If you are a fan of romance novels and Fabio look a likes, you're going to love the art on this deck (personal note: I'm not into Chippendale types - I crush on tall, lanky musicians and bad boy rappers - when someone creates a deck that features Tommy Lee and Slim Thug, I'll be swooning).

Created with digital art, The Deck of Heroes is colorful and lush with rich images and strong symbolism. Some of the colors get a bit murky and dark such as in the Devil but for the most part, the author kept the cards bright.

Based on traditional Rider Waite symbolism, the deck has the usual Majors and Minors. The suits are Pentacles, Cups, Swords and Wands and the court cards are Kings, Queens, Knights and Pages. The author keeps good on his promise to make this deck aimed at women - every card prominently features a male figure - even the Queens have males on them (not as Queens, mind you - but accompanying the female figures). The males are typical romance heroes - princes, servants, knights, highway-men and rogues.

LOL! If I hadn't seen it I wouldn't have believed it. Great Review Theresa! On a sidenote though I might make my own Softcore Prawn Tarot Deck. It could be a lucrative business? What do you think? Oh and If you want to buy it here it is on Amazon.  Hope you enjoyed our funny sidenote here.

Better More Popular Topics

Master Melding Guide
How to Get Free Gems on Deck Heroes

How to Spend Glory Cards from Bazaar

I thought of something that might help some of the newer players. First of all I hear a lot of people asking where they go to sell their new glory cards. Well I have the answer for you. If you notice that when you buy the Glory Card from the Bazaar you get a message on the screen saying you got a new hero. So you sell the glory cards in the sell cards part of the menu. You also have to switch it to the sell hero tab.

I know its a strange place to put the cards. I had to ask someone myself to find it. But now we know and knowing is half the battle...Yo Joe. The other half is knowing what to spend them on.

Glory Cards

How to Spend Glory Cards from Bazaar

You should be saving 99.9% of these glory cards to level up your 4 Star (or higher) hero. Its okay to cash in a 1 star from time to time if you need some elder mawrek shards or something but I usually raid to earn glory for those shards.

Here is the GOLD TIP of the post. Before you sell all your cards, change over to a weak deck and purposely lose the raid to earn a shield. Trust me you don't want to get 40 thousand glory points and then get gang-raided.

Well I hope that helps guys I have a new melding post I am working on but I am not sure exactly what it is yet. I will post it soon.

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How to Spend Your Gems in Deck Heroes
How to Get Free Gems in Deck Heroes

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Five Star Melds are Coming Soon

Well we got big news today which could be good or bad. The long awaited arrival of the Five Star Melds is happening soon. I saw it in the notices earlier today so I figured I would tell those of you who havent seen it yet. The good news is that this adds new dimension to the game...The bad news is that in my humble opinion it really stacks the deck towards players who spend vast sums of money to acquire cards. Two examples that support this.

Five Star Melds

1. I have been playing since Christmas and only have a star membership. At this time I only have seven 5 stars cards.

The only duplicate I have is Thalassa which is farmed from Unseals.

2. Three of my seven 5 star cards are unseals which I am not going to be able to meld because I could never acquire enough of them. That leaves me with four 5* cards. At the rate I acquire 5* cards I will be retired by the time I have a successful meld. Maybe now that I have passed 8-11 Five Stars will come more frequently I don't know.

Unless they bump up the rate of 5*  acquisition I will never have a chance to meld a 5 star.

The Silver Lining

Even though I will probably never meld a 5 star I can still evolve them. Which makes my most powerful cards like Thalassa that much harder to kill.

Sorry for this rough post but it is just a quick reaction piece to organize my thoughts. As we deal with the fallout/changes that happen because of this, I wlll organize this post into a hopefully more useful resource. But I did score one helpful tip in there for those of you who have extra cost in their decks.

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Master Melding Guide
3 Star Melds

The Best Card in Deck Heroes Right Now

So a lot of people were asking me what I thought the best card was in Deck Heroes. This is a very subjective question but for the answer would have to be this weird looking chick below me. I don't know what is with the hat she is wearing but she makes almost any deck unbeatable once she is deployed. At least in my own personal Experience.

The Best Card in Deck Heroes Right Now?

Dahlia is the Best Card in Deck Heroes

There she is Ms Pink with the Funky Hogwarts Hat, the Pink Eyes and Protruding Knockers. She is a beast. Dahlia sacrifices a card making her stats skyrocket then she curses your hero for damage and then starts bringing back 2 creatures from the dead every turn. Instakill or dispose of this card or face your doom.

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Ursa Major Melds
Master Melding Guide

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Best Melds for Ursa Major

Best Melds Ursa Major
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I got some traffic looking for a good meld for Ursa Major and tragically, I had no post on the matter. I had no idea that you could get multiples of him. But if you are lucky enough to have duplicates and begin melding him I have some great ideas for you. He is already such a beast on the battlefield that melding another skill on top of him could possibly make him almost invincible.

What you want to put on Ursa Major depends greatly on whether or not you want to use him for Arenas (if that is even possible on your server) or everything else.

I wish I had multiple Ursa Major because I have like 5 great ideas for meld similar to the Frost Rager and Palladin.

Interesting Meld Ideas for Ursa Major

1. The Idea I like most is Life Sap. Because if he stays on the battlefield a few rounds (which he probably will) he will basically insta-heal every time he attacks. Its going to make him even harder to kill than he already is. And the more rounds you can keep him on the battlefield the more damage gets stabbed through to the enemy hero. Pair him with a Nidhogg and he will get another 500hp plus your enemy might get sealed up and not be able to hurt him at all.

His only weakness will be a whole lot of magic, bulletproof and instakill/disposal. But AI is predictable with disposal...getting a battle-blow with bulletproof character in line with Ursa isn't going to happen right away. And with a few creatures with reflect or a hero with spikey bits. Spammy magic decks might not work out so well

2. Immunity would make him take only 180ish damage from both magic and physical damage. Would be another option because if you pair him with good healing he could also last forever and build up his attack. **Immunity will also keep you from getting locked up by seals and stuff.

3. Block will basically make him impervious to any damage that doesn't come from Bulletproof.

4. Reflect would also be a good option because it will make spammy magic desks pay the to kill Ursa Major.

5. Stoneskin would make him immune to disposal and instakill but AI isn't that clever with disposal and instakill is random so I am just not sure about this one. But if you think that Ursa Major has a place in your Arena Deck then Stoneskin might be a good option.

Okay I know that this is rough post but I am exhausted and wanted to bang it out since people are asking about it. I will think more about and clean it up soon.

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Master Melding Guide

Monday, March 2, 2015

How to Get Free Gems in Deck Heroes

With all the scams I have seen going around on the forums, youtube and world chat, I just wanted to write a short post on the few legitimate ways that you can earn free gems on Deck Heroes. There are no legitimate deck heroes hacks that I have seen that will earn you free gems on this game. There are no magic referral codes that will give you 5 stars cards, 100k in gems or Millions in gold. There are a few different ways to earn extra gems that I will discuss below.

How to Get Free Gems in Deck Heroes

1. Enter My Referral Code into your menu: Bf871205

2. Click on the Earn Extra Gems Button and Click Get Extra Gems. You will then see a list of three options. Tapjoy, Sponsor Pay and Tap Cash.

Tapjoy has been broken for like the past 2 months. It gives you a chance earn an X amount of some asian symbol. Don't bother with it until this symbol goes away.

I have gotten free gems from both Sponsor Pay and Tap Cash. I have a little advice here you dont have to follow. I advise choosing offers from big games that you might want to play anyways. Why not get paid a few gems to test out a new game. Now the Surveys on the other hand are nothing but trouble. They are very sneaky. Maybe you can give up enough personal information to get some gems but I always end up getting caught in a loop. I cough up a bunch of personal information in an endless loop and then the gems never arrive.

My Best Topics

Master Melding Guide
3 Star Melding Guide
Human Chamber 4 Guide
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How Melding Works in Deck Heroes

This is just going to be a quick little explanation of how Melding works in deck heroes. It is a question that I see asked a lot and I figured that I could help clear it up a little bit. Okay the first thing that you need to do is level up a 3 or 4- 5 star card to level 10. After it reaches level 10, you will have to evolve the card. Then you can begin melding.

How Melding Works in Deck Heroes

To be able to meld you must also have a duplicate. The card being melded is called the Apprentice. After you have picked your apprentice you must pick a Master. The Master contains the skill you are hoping to steal and transfer to your Apprentice. Some masters have multiple skills that can be transferred so make sure you pick the right skill that you want to meld before pressing the button. Some skills cannot be learned.

Now this is where the confusion usually kicks in. There is this thing called expertise. If you fail a meld your expertise will go up. Your chances of successful melding however do not go up. If you have a 15% chance for success you will always have a 15% chance no matter how much expertise that you have. After you receive 100% Expertise however, the game takes pity on you and guarantees that you receive a successful meld.

This is the reason that you might want to have multiple apprentice duplicates before you start melding cards. The duplicates will be destroyed whether you are successful or not. The master will not be destroyed until you are successful so you only need one of him.

Double Expertise Events are the perfect times to meld your creatures because you get twice the bang for cards. You will get double the expertise for a failed meld than you usually would. You can meld like a BOSS!

Melding Demonstration Video from Stargater

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How To Enter Referral Codes on Deck Heroes

To Enter a Referral Code go to the Menu and click the Invite or Referral Button and then Enter the Code. You can only enter one code per account. Thanks so Much!!

My Code:


How to Beat Human Chamber Four in Deck Heroes

To get full rewards on Human Chamber 4 you will need 5 Neander and 5 Mortii cards. Your Neander Cards should primarily have Ravage (Anti-Human) skills. You will also need two 3 star cards. One of those 3 star cards should be Troll Scout because it has Ravage and does a lot of damage to Human Decks. 

Basically, You want to choose your Neander Cards for their ability to Damage Humans or buff the neanders that damage humans. Cyclops is the exception but he instakills and has sweeping blow so rock on. You can swap out your neander cards for other factions if for say you don't have a Nidhogg, but you have a Hanuman or Balthazaar but you must have 5 Mortii Cards to get full rewards. Personally I would stick with Neander Ravage cards but you might find a better way. 

Choose Mortii Cards for their skills. Undying has instakill and rebirth, Thalassa has recycle, Gorgon or Phantom Liege (which I don't have) will compliment the deck nicely due to their Disposal and Delay/Seal tactics. 

My Human Chamber 4 Deck

Hero: Elder Mawrek with level 7 Blood Rite. Elder Mawrek is one of the 2 star heroes that are awesome and virtually free to develop thanks to the bazaar. He is also great for guild maps so buy him and level him up.


1. Thalassa is useful for its recycle function and is easily farmed from the seals.
2. Dullahan just because I am short on Mortii cards but hes 4 star and does good. 
3. Terror Dragon because he doubles attack when he has lower hp.
4. Undying will has instakill upon death and then can recycle and do it again.
5. Manticore is my 3 star just by default. But his cloudburst does help


1. Spider Queen is useful because she destroys humans with Ravage and is also easily farmed from the seal. 
2. Nidhogg is a great option because he seals and adds 500 hp to your other 5 neander and has delay abilities.
3. Cyclops is good because he instakills and has sweeping blow.
4. Howling King kills humans (Ravage) like a boss. Mine is only level 6 (so far) and still wreaks havok
5. Troll Scout because of Ravage and he is 3 star. VERY EFFECTIVE though. He might as well be a five star card for this deck. 

If you don't have Howling King or Cyclops then I'd just experiment with the best Neanders you have. If you have mortii cards with delay and disposal you can probably just toss more Troll Scouts on there. Troll Scout melded will battleblow would definitely get the job done but its probably overkill. 

Just don't attack the hero or place more cards than your enemy. You don't want to deal with more dragons any faster than you have to. Basically, you just want to do as much damage creature vs creature as you can. Ravage, Dispose and Delay/Seals/Cloudburst etc then Rinse and Repeat. 

Okay well that wraps up my Deck building Guide for Human Chamber 4. I have had about 66% success with full rewards (about 3/5) times that I farmed Chamber 4. It just depends on the draw and the creature placement. But I am getting ready to start melding my first Vampire Paladin so I am not going to sweat a little bit of lost energy.

Update: March 2015. This deck has been less effective recently I am not sure if they tweaked it or whether I had just gotten lucky initially. After I added my four star hero to the mix however, I beat the Chamber 100% of the time.

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Master Chamber Four Deck Building Guide

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Deck Heroes Chamber 4 Deck Building Guide

I finally cracked Human Chamber Four so I wanted to share my deck and cards with you. So now I present to you my guide to farming Chamber 4 so that you can meld and evolve 4 star creatures. I haven't found much advice online about getting through Chamber Four so I think (hope) that this guide will be helpful. I only have one Chamber unlocked so far but it is the most important chamber and I expect that the rest of the chambers will fall easily now that I have accomplished this.

My Chamber 4 deck is nothing special. It has creatures that are very easily acquired for the most part. Even if they aren't they can be substituted with other creatures. It is the skills that are important. Once you have this deck created, Human Chamber 4 will be the easiest chamber to finish, even easier than Chamber 1 (for me). Okay lets get started. 

I chose to work on Human Chamber Four for one simple reason. Humans have the most and best 4 star cards that can be evolved and melded to suit a variety of needs. After you are able to meld Human 4 star cards I don't think you will ever want to meld 3 star cards again other than Frost Ragers.

Then, after I meld a few swordmasters, colossuses, paladins and techno chiefs, I expect the Mortii Deck to fall quickly after (we will see though. I hear Mortii is the hardest). Then finally the Faen Deck.

The Neander Chamber is one of the easiest. It fell quickly and I will hopefully have a guide for you later today that I will add below and link to here. 

Regardless, Cracking Human Chamber 4 is the easiest and the most beneficial imho.

Deck Heroes Chamber 4 Deck Building Guide

Human Chamber 4

To get full rewards on Human Chamber 4 you will need 5 Neander and 5 Mortii cards. Your Neander Cards should primarily have Ravage (Anti-Human) skills. You will also need two 3 star cards. One of those 3 star cards should be Troll Scout because it has Ravage and does a lot of damage to Human Decks. 

Basically, You want to choose your Neander Cards for their ability to Damage Humans or buff the neanders that damage humans. Cyclops is the exception but he instakills and has sweeping blow so rock on. 

Choose Mortii Cards for their skills. Undying has instakill and rebirth, Thalassa has recycle, Gorgon or Phantom Liege (which I don't have) will compliment the deck nicely due to their Disposal and Delay/Seal tactics. 

My Deck Heroes Chamber 4 Deck

My Hero: Elder Mawrek with level 7 Blood Rite. Elder Mawrek is one of the 2 star heroes that are awesome and virtually free to develop thanks to the bazaar. He is also great for guild maps so buy him and level him up. 


1. Thalassa is useful for its recycle function and is easily farmed from the seals.
2. Dullahan just because I am short on Mortii cards but hes 4 star and does good. 
3. Terror Dragon because he doubles attack when he has lower hp.
4. Undying will has instakill upon death and then can recycle and do it again.
5. Manticore is my 3 star just by default. But his cloudburst does help


1. Spider Queen is useful because she destroys humans with Ravage and is also easily farmed from the seal. 
2. Nidhogg is a great option because he seals and adds 500 hp to your other 5 neander and has delay abilities.
3. Cyclops is good because he instakills and has sweeping blow.
4. Howling King kills humans (Ravage) like a boss. Mine is only level 6 (so far) and still wreaks havok
5. Troll Scout because of Ravage and he is 3 star. VERY EFFECTIVE though. He might as well be a five star card for this deck. 

If you don't have Howling King or Cyclops then I'd just experiment with the best Neanders you have. If you have mortii cards with delay and disposal you can probably just toss more Troll Scouts on there. Troll Scout melded will battleblow would definitely get the job done but its probably overkill. 

Just don't attack the hero or place more cards than your enemy. You don't want to deal with more dragons any faster than you have to. Basically, you just want to do as much damage creature vs creature as you can. Ravage, Dispose and Delay/Seals/Cloudburst etc then Rinse and Repeat. 

Okay well that wraps up my Deck building Guide for Human Chamber 4. I have had about 66% success with full rewards (about 3/5) times that I farmed Chamber 4. It just depends on the draw and the creature placement. But I am getting ready to start melding my first Vampire Paladin I am not going to sweat a little bit of lost energy. 

As soon as I crack the other chambers I will post the strategy here. As I adjust this deck to make it better I will also post that. If any of you have any tips that you would like to share I know it would help. I just like to share what has worked for me to pass it forward. 

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Deck Heroes Best Referral Codes

To Enter a Referral Code go to the Menu and click the Invite or Referral Button and then Enter the Code. 

Plug my referral code in for Freebies!! Bf871205

Deck Heroes Referral Codes

If you would like to have your Code shown on this site shoot me a message or leave a comment and I will pimp your code for you for (for a small fee of course). I get about 11 codes a day. Thank you so much for your support guys. It really helps me keep this going.

Most Referral codes you see in the World Chat are a total scam. People will promise you all kinds of ridiculous things like the best 5 star creatures, 10,000 gems, A million coins, etc. They are all scamming and do not reward them for wasting their life making everyone else miserable. They are dogs scavenging for scraps. If you feed them they will just keep coming around and making everyone wear out their fingers with the 2 hour Mute. I wish MUTE was permanent on Deck Heroes but it isn't.

If you want to enter someones referral code you should find a person who has helped you or answered some questions and ask for their referral code. Or you could just enter someone's code who might be helping you right now. Both of us will get a few hundred gems (I think they lowered it now) and some gold and maybe a 4 star card (cant remember on this one anyone know). Hint Hint...Thank you so much for supporting this site.

My Referral Code


Deck Heroes Hidden Dungeon Unlocks

This is a question that I get asked a lot in the chat room so I decided to post the unlocks to all the Hidden Dungeons here in one place and add it to the Dungeon Heroes FAQ that I am working on.

Deck Heroes Hidden Dungeon Unlocks

List of Hidden Dungeons and Unlocks

  • Unlock Dungeon 3-9 by beating 3-5 on hard.
  • Unlock Dungeon 4-9 by beating 4-6 on hard.
  • Unlock Dungeon 5-10 by beating 5-7 on hard.
  • Unlock Dungeon 6-10 by beating 6-6 on hard.
  • Unlock Dungeon 7-11 by beating 7-8 on hard.
  • Unlock Dungeon 8-12 by beating 8-6 on hard.
  • Unlock Dungeon 9-12 by beating 9-8 on hard.
  • Unlock Dungeon 10-12 by beating 10-6 on hard.
  • Unlock Dungeon 11-12 by beating 11-11 on hard.
  • Unlock Dungeon 12-11 by beating 12-8 on hard.

There we go. Now you know where to go to unlock all the swag on the Hidden Dungeons you will need a list of the rewards which you can find below.  

3-9 Black Sky Corral

4-9 Mirage

5-10 Deer Tundra

6-10 Firevern Plateu

7-11 Labyrinth

8-12 Ragnarok

9-12 Mosada

10-12 Inferno

11-12 Celestia

  • Hard Reward: Yeti
  • Unique Exploration: Puppeteer

12-12 Dread Cliffs

  • Hard Reward: Lilith
  • Unique Exploration: Essence III

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