Well I just found an awesome Google Document that compiles all of the Marquee information on Deck heroes. It is the Ultimate Deck Heroes Strategy Guide. It doesn't cover everything. It won't replace some of the information on my blog but it has a lot of nice reference material for the game and if you are new, It will really help you play Deck Heroes GTO (Game Theory Optimal).
I hate to give out this information because I know that it is going to start driving away my traffic but I knew I couldn't compete with the Free Forum indefinitely. Since I am transitioning away from Deck Heroes into another game (haven't found it yet) I figured it was pointless to keep the information from you. Hopefully you will appreciate it and still read my blog from time to time ha-ha lol.
The Key Mistakes I made early on were:
1. Not putting more emphasis on the Trials. You need to level that as high as you possibly can.
2. Not focusing on Guild Map Damage.
3, Not fighting in the Gauntlet enough.
4. Not particpating in Sky Arena while I had Star Membership.
Okay, well I just thought that i would post a quick guide for the Sky Arena in Deck Heroes. We haven't heard much out of Ragnarok lately and its good to have him back. Sorry for the lack of posts. I probably won't be playing a whole lot of Deck Heroes anymore until my life calms down but I am going to try and keep the blog going as long as I can. I can bang out posts like crazy. But playing the actual game just became too labor intensive (right now). I am hoping that I can get back into gaming when my life calms down a little bit.
Like I said I will keep posting Deck Heroes guides and tips as long as I can. But I have to play more casually than before. I am hoping a new game will come out that does not require so much time.
Well I finally cracked 10-5 and it made me feel a whole lot better. I was beginning to hate the game because id been stagnant so long. Who would have thunk it but Elder Mawrek and 3 disposal cards was the secret to the whole map. I cursed my way through 10-6 and now 10-7 is a whole nother beast. I will be writing up strategy guides soon for these. But thank god cause I was stuck in a major rut.
I also managed to loot about 15k in glory last night coupled withe guild War Glory I got a lot of rune management to do. Runes have become my favorite part of the game beleive it or not.
My post today is a simple plea to IGG that can help improve gameplay and player happiness. I think they listen to this blog or my complaints just mirror those of other players. First, I want to thank IGG for making the runes easier to manage and upgrade. They are a boatload of fun again. Maybe they didnt fix it and it just took me awhile to realize that you could pick out the rune on the card and upgrade it from there.
The next improvement that I would like to see from IGG is to not have 2x Melding events back to back. It aggravates me to no end because I spend all month preparing for the event. I spent everything I have, duplicates and materials on the last 2x Meld Event. I can't conjure up even one duplicate to make another meld in the few days since the last event.
Spacing the Meld Events 2 weeks apart would make more sense. That way at least I would have a few more dupes. Having an event on a Sunday when all 4 chambers are open would be awesome. I realize that you wouldnt want to do that all the time of course. But it might be nice for a special occasion.
But seriously IGG, Having back to back meld events is just completely useless and makes me mad.
Now that my life is calming down, I am starting to get back into the game. But the runes are the deathknell for F2P. The gap between us and P2W is just depressing but my guild is getting there so that really helps. Thank you to all you Cobra Kai. You guys are the only reason that I am still here.
I am cool with P2W from what I can tell Magic the Gathering Online is pretty much Pay to Win but the difference between the two is that if I pay enough money I can build whatever deck I want whereas in Deck Heroes success isnt guaranteed even if I spent bookoo bucks.
But Deck Heroes is much easier to play than MTGO and has a long term strategy aspect that MTGO does not. As soon as Magic Cards go out of rotation you basically have to buy all new cards. I am hoping a new card game comes out soon.
Hey everyone. I am babysitting for a couple days so things might slow down a little bit until thursday. Hoping I can put together a halfway decent guild war effort tomorrow.
I am going to start playing the Skyrim Card Game as soon as it comes out because I am a huge Skyrim fan. So this blog will probably be dually devoted to both games.
I still want to continue working on the Runes Guide, Do up the 10-5 Video Guildes and of Course the Cobra Kai Guild Map Damage Faction Decks.
I just wanted all my loyal readers to know that even though I am branching out that i am not abandoning Deck Heroes. Playing other games helps make DH fun again.
I am also sorry I didnt get the posts I promised you finished yet. Everytime I think that life is going to calm down, It proves me wrong.
On a sidenote I effing fricking hate Pinterest. Its the dumbest thing ever created. I am searching through all these websites and I get 5 listings for crappy pinterests that go nowhere before I can get to the site I want to seee. Google should delist this crappy do-nothing site.
Bethesda just released (past few days) a trailer for Elder Scrolls Legends. IGG has gotten a lot of competition all of a sudden. I frickin heart Skyrim. I promise I will keep the Deck Heroes guides coming but it is going to be competing for my playtime with Elder Scrolls Legends and Dungeoneering.
Elder Scrolls Legends is a free-to-play strategy card game coming later this year. Announced tonight during Bethesda's E3 Showcase, the game will be available for PC and iPad. Very little information was shared, but spokesman Pete Hines said the genre was very close to his heart and that was looking forward to sharing more on the game soon.
Tamriel Represent Bitches! Sorry I got too excited.
There's a new card game in town boys. Guild of Dungeoneering comes out July 14 and it kind of looks fun. I am probably going to give it a try. It looks like a simpler, sillier kind of game that I would like to build. Maybe I need to do up a game proposal and find a game developer.
Game Description: Guild of Dungeoneering is a turn-based dungeon crawler with a twist: instead of controlling the hero you build the dungeon around him. Using cards drawn from your Guild decks you lay down rooms, monsters, traps and of course loot!
I am big time interested in this one. So you might see a transition to this game around the 15th. But with Elder Scrolls Legends being F2P I will probably go there first. You prepurchase Guild of Dungeoneering on Steam though for 15 bucks.
So I saw a Meld that was pretty interesting that I had not seen before earlier. It was a high level deck that I fought in the Gauntlet. He had put Frost Armor 3 from a Frost Rager onto Naga Mistress. Now I realize 90% of the melds on Deck Heroes involve Frost Armor. But it worked surprisingly well. She was the only creature that survived my sabotage Deck. I took her out easily with my Pit Dragons next round but I was pretty impressed. Naga Mistress is an Ice Queen. She worked pretty well with the Devil Hunter.
I am definitely going to make one these before i go for my second Phoenix.
I can't believe that I found the most impossibly awesome fantasy movie ever created right on Youtube. This movie is like my artistic inspiration. I don't even know how to describe it. I thought I might share it with all of you. You can't claim true nerd status until you have seen this movie lol! Okay time to unplug for me because I am talking Gibberish now.
I decided to do a post on how to get 4 and 5 star heroes in Deck Heroes to go with my post on How to Get 5 Star Cards. I will order them in order of relative importance in my opinion. I hope this helps some of the new players. Advanced players might not find this post as useful.
Deck Heroes How to Collect 4 and 5 Star Hero Shards
1. Tournament - This won't get a you a hero very fast (I still havent gotten my captivator) but it should be a top priority to start collecting Tournament Mall Credits ASAP. You need your 5 Star creature ASAP especially now that most of the Rich Kids of already fielded theirs.
2. Trials because once you get to level 45, you will get a substantial amount of mall credits a day, Then go to the mall and get yourself 3 and 4 star heroes shards.
3. Guantlets should be cleared because you can get Hero Shards in the Token mall. But also you can obtain great cards and shards from clearing the gauntlet which is possible for everyone now that your cards refresh after 12 hours and your enemies does not. Building a Sabotage Deck will really help you here.
4. Guild mall, In case you could get enough guild points through guild maps and battle, You can get 4 star heroes shards for 900 points each and get 3 shards. Participating in Guild Wars can earn you a lot of credits especially if you have a top 200 guild. This will probably get you your heroe the fastest. But Trials and Gauntlets have other rewards as well.
Well folks, I am starting to see the decline of Deck Heroes. The game is just taking more and more time and as fun as runes are they also extremely tedious to sort through and maintain just like the Guild Wars. It is also disheartening that my best friends D Team deck has a higher power than my A Team. The gap between F2P and P2W is becoming insurmountable. That is why I am allowing my Star Membership to expire and I no longer recommend even buying a Star Membership.
Anyone starting now will be so far behind that they could never possibly catch up without spending mass amounts of cash. Don't worry folks, I will still be playing and being more active on this blog. But I am thinking about handing over leadership of my guild and playing a little more casually. The game is taking up more and more of my time. If it wasn't for the amount of traffic on this blog, I would give it up entirely.
But I still like the game and will be playing and uploading Deck Heroes Guides and Tips. But it is time to branch out. Don't be surprised if you start seeing posts about other games in here.
I might be switching to MTGO. I swore, Id never sink to that level of nerdiness but what can I say the older I get the less interested I am in appearances. Magic looks like fun.
The cheap startup cost and gambling nature of MTGO excites me. The complexity of the game scares me. But If I place in a tournament, I can get the resources I need to upgrade my deck basically for free.
But like I said, I am not quitting Deck Heroes just branching out. The blog might switch focus it might not. But I am devoted to writing good material for all of you! (by good I mean the best that I can) if this blog becomes profitable, I will write more grammatically correct posts instead of these steam of conscious guides.
Love you guys (the internet kind of love where we never meet each other). Thank you all for making this blogging experience so awesome. I am going to put up some 10-5 videos over the coming days. Its the worst map I have seen but I am going to post a bunch of different videos on how to solve it using different factions and tactics.
In the meantime Check out the Rune Guide...It has some good videos and links for resources.
Well its time for my ever popular Double Meld Summaries. I'm surprised that these posts have been so popular but I would love to see what other people are doing too so its pretty cool. Unlike the last couple months I did succeed in doing a couple very interesting things which I will explain below.
Horned Beast Level 15 with Recycle
The most exciting thing that I was able to accomplish was that I melded Thalassa's Recycle onto a Horned Beast. I would rather of melded it onto a Light Brave truthfully but I will never have enough Light Brave cards to do it. I realize that this is a pretty standard meld but I added something new. Runes. Since I sacrificed a 5 star to put a skill on a 4 star, I wanted to add as much oomph to it that I could. I wanted to make this one Bad Beast.
Dodge Rune, Healing Rune and Vitality Rune. I put the Vitality Rune on because it adds health. I want to keep my Horny Beast alive as long as possible. If I acquire a purple Immunity I might put it on there. But I havent seen a purple Immunity yet.
The other Thalassa will go on a Harbinger. Then I will consider the long farm of the 3rd Thalassa. My Recycled Beast is only level 10 so my deck is sooooo weak right now with just a single recycler. Every extra card I have will be used to enhance the beast. Since I dont have much left to meld right now I may run some extra mazes for 4 star essences.
Eye of Johnarra with Frost Armor
I got lucky and one shot melded Frost Armor from an Ursa Major onto my Eye of Johnarra. I probably should have kept the extra ursa but it didnt really fit into my deck right now and I have so many 4 star melds to raise up to level 15 that I would not have had essences for the upgrade for like 2 months anyways. Still it is always nice to get a Meld on the first try.
Blood Warlock with Earth Totem
This is a pretty standard meld but it works very nicely for guild maps.
Graboid with Battleblow 8
I was torn between Battleblow 8 and Sacrifice but since I blew my Panthers in a failed meld I figure it will be awhile before I have a Venom Tyrant (guild maps are getting there). I am working on my second Phoenix but I still don't have a Venom Tyrant. I am going to need another 2x Meld before I can finish this one.
Frost Oracle
I also started another Frostacle. I will have this one after the next Double Meld Event.
Okay I will have more by the end of the day probably. I have saved up enough materials to do some more evolves so as the war winds down, I will see what else I can evolve and make. Hope this post helped or was enjoyable. This blog might be dying. I am not sure but I am going to try and start writing more useful posts to rejuvanate it.
Okay Don't Worry Deck Heroes Fans. This is still a Deck Heroes Blog. But I am beginning to dabble in Magic the Gathering. Its cheaper than deck heroes (in some ways). So this post is the deck I am working. Its mainly just notes to help me but that is how this blog started. I would have quit playing Deck Heroes if I didn't have 1000 people per day hungry for information (runes made me like DH again). If any of you play Magic Online and can help me with this deck it would be totally awesome.
If you aren't interested in Magic the Gathering or MTGO you will want to skip this post. But I promise this blog will still be mostly Deck Heroes based for the near future.
Mono Red Aggro Red
I picked this deck because in the little Magic the Gathering that I have played, I have the most experience with Red Cards (and it sounds pretty good for pretty cheap). My step-whatever he is, always gives me crappy decks built to be destroyed by the awesome deck he creates to go against it. But he did succeed in drawing me into the game. Its like crack. He gave me a couple cards and now I am hooked. Red seems to be the most straightforward though and good for noobs like me.
The list below is the Deck I am going to try first unless any of you have better (budget) suggestions. I will also post a list of other red cards I have that are possible substitutes. MTGO is a huge niche and I doubt anyone will read this but at least I can keep my info straight.
4 Dragon Mantle - 0.01 4 Hammerhand - 0.03 1 Coordinated Assault - 0.01 2 Lightning Strike - Acquired 4 Stoke the Flames - 2.21 4 Titan's Strength - 0.04 1 Hall of Triumph - 1.80 2 Hordeling Outburst - .03
I can cut the cost down with a little patience. The Academy Quizbot might would be able to give me 3 cards a week. I have some other Red Cards that Burn stuff but I don't even know how to tell a common from a rare at this point. But if you have any advice on upgrades or alternative cards let me know. I have some more information that I am going to compile here when I have time as well.
Hey everyone. Sorry I wasn't "back" as I told everyone I would be. Real life keeps intervening on my Game Time. But I just want to say how excited I am about Runes. They are tedious and time consuming. But they are also fun and are going to change the way the whole game is played.
I did 1,4 million guild map damage earlier because of runes. I will share the secrets here eventually. But I am still putting it all together.
Here is a google doc that will tell you everything you need to know about runes. It will be very helpful in planning your Rune Strategy.
I am writing this short post because Runes have changed the Endgame so much. Cards that were once useless in my mind are now filled with possibilities. I have a cookie cutter antidisposal deck that I think will be unstoppable vs disposal decks. All sorts of stuff.
So basically, everything I have written up to this point is not necessary 100% true. Good cards are still good cards but Runes have opened up a whole lot more melding possibilities than before.
I am going all-in when it comes to runes for awhile. It might not be the correct thing to do but my reasoning is this. Until I get my 5 star hero ie Captivator, I am just waiting on better cards. Which as you know is a blessed luck of the draw or a long grind farming cards until 2x Meld Day (which you should be preparing for as it could happen any day now).
But with Runes I know that I can at about what ratio I get good ones. I can then upgrade them to create great cards into super cards. Plus if i get a better creature, I have already upgraded the rune...I just yank it off the inferior card and move it up.
I am still not sure whether I am going to spend gems on runes. The difference between the glory draws and gem draws are nonexistent from what I have seen so far. But I am not as interested in leveling Heroe Talents up to 10 anymore. For Example. I am just going to level Dragon Rider Hero up to level 7-8 of the desired skills and leave it. Id rather spend the glory upgrading the 5 Hero Runes that I can install on him.
Well that is what is going on today. I be doing more posts over the weekend and maybe today depending on what me and Mrs Impossible have going. I will be doing a rune guide with cards similar to my meld guide here as I discover the best combos.
I think that the quality of the rune plays a certain role in the increase in glory cost but I am still trying to figure it out. I know reducing my rune count seems to lower the cost slightly.
Well, I haven't solved the mystery of why the runes are costing more glory points now. I am going to get rid of my most of my whites and hope the cost come down. It does some to bring the cost down. I think I just had way way too many whites but I will have to pray ten times to test it out.
But as fun as Runes are, they are very very tedious. Its a lot more fun that guild wars but IGG has not done a very good job of coding them yet. I cant tell which rune is on which card unless its a wierd level. I know I got too excited and drew too many runes but managing them is like a full time job.
If I want to continue playing this game I think I am going to have to monetize this blog a little bit because it is usurping more and more of my time.
If anyone knows the mystery of the Rune Cost Increase please hook me up with a comment.
We are going interactive folks because I need your help. I don't know whether I will get more benefit spending my glory on runes or hero talents. I am going to go through my line of reasoning with you and then I would love to hear all of your opinions on the matter.
I know that if my Hero is brand new then I will want to spend my glory on talents. You get a lot more benefits for a lot less glory. But all that glory spent on the hero is essentially lost when you move on to a new hero. Whereas Runes can be pulled off and moved to a higher level hero.
Plus Heros have 5 Rune Slots and and only 3 talents for Talents. A level 1 purple vigor rune gives 30 hp to that faction and is upgraded to 60 after level 2...You have to spend a lot of runes to upgrade it as well. But it takes a lot of wasted glory to level up a talent to 10 whereas a rune is interchangeable and the end benefit is way greater when we are talking about buffs like Aura, Strength or Might.
Now the Special talents are more worth the glory on heroes. I mean it is probably worth upgrading the talents until you get a fairly high level of spikey bits, undying etc. But I am not going to burn a bunch glory once I get a decent level of the desired talents.
The added benefit for drawing for runes though is that you can both enhance your hero and your cards. Soon Rune Enhanced Cards and Heroes with be fielding battle in the Guild Wars. Guild Wars are key to getting guild mall credits and substantial amounts of glory.
Please let me know how you all feel about this. This post is not a guide so much as rough thoughts. I really don't know what is best on this issue. Runes are so new to the game and thats probably why I will be buying them for awhile. The sheer novelty and fun of it. Once I am runed up the Yazoo or get Captivator, I will probably switch back to leveling up hero skills. What do you all think?
Here is the video of Stargater beating 11-12 for my walkthrough video collection. Sorry for the cookie cutter posts here but I want to add it to the sidebar and I just feel like I have neglected this blog so I want to increase its resource value for all of you. I have about 1k in regular readers now and I just want to keep the momentum going.
If there are any posts that any of you would like to see? Please let me know
Okay here is a video of Stargater beating 12-12 on Hard. I know its way out of reach for me right now and most of us but I want to add it to the collection. I am going to start working on some 10-5 solution videos soon I hope. Ive just been informed that I am babysitting and the kid is awesome but never shuts up. I hope I can get some blog posts done during that time but its hard to concentrate with him around. He is a great kid though fun to have around...he just talks constantly lol.
I am also going to do a page of all my video guides that I will link to below eventually. And I will also do all the posts that I mentioned in the Site Update a few days ago. I am so sorry guys. I thought that I would post a lot but I ended up playing Assassins Creed Black Flag in between Guild Wars all day yesterday.
I must say that I am very very impressed with the runes. They look like a lot of fun so far. Its going to complicate the game even more but in a fun way. And I am so glad that you can buy runes with something else other than gems. I know Runes are going to give the Rich Kids yet another advantage but the ability to buy them with glory points allows all of us to play around with them and enjoy.
Having a good Curse Deck is going to be essential for you F2P players to stay competitive. On the flip-side now you should have 0 glory saved when offline to avoid getting raided. You can spend it down to 0 on runes. I have purchased runes with Gems and the rewards were negligible so I don't think i am going to spend a lot of $ on Runes. I will probably stick to glory points.
Here is a quick breakdown from Stargater on Runes. Haven't had time to watch it just yet but it looks like a good start. I have more in depth videos below.
Basic Breakdown of Runes
There are two types of Runes (basically). Those that enhance your cards and those that enhance your heroes. The different colors of the runes correspond to rarity and strength. I believe that orange is the rarest. You can enhance runes just the way you can cards and you can remove them for 10k so you can transfer it to another creature or swap it out for a better one.
Hero Runes are Required to enhance hero runes and Regular Runes are required to enhance regular runes.
I was going to continue writing the basics of runes but Kakola and Mortivore created this Badass Runes Google Document with all the runes stuff on it. It even tells you what every rune does and everything. I might have to start using google Docs myself.
Rune Tips
Upgrade your rune by searching for the card to get the correct rune. For example Search for your oracle, click on runes and then click upgrade on that particular rune. Otherwise it is very difficult to upgrade the right rune. Glad they added this option though.
Guild War days are good days to draw runes because you get a ton of glory after the wars.
Runes that Enhance Heroes
Furor: For example one of the good runes I drew was a hero enhancing rune called Furor (green). It gives me more Rage in the beginning of the match. I put this on my Chaos Witch (for now) because if she gets her talent first, then the enemy hero will lose rage and die quicker. This is just for now because I have no idea what I am doing.
Runes that Enhance Cards
Deception: This is a rune that enhances Assassinate and Picking off. I have a rare one and put it on my Eye of Johnarra. It gives me 5% (unenhanced) chance to increase damage by 50%...If its picking off damage it totally sucks, if its attack damage its awesome. I will have to play around with it and see.
Tentative Rune Development Strategy
I am thinking about only developing runes that are green or better...the benefits from the common runes are so miniscule that it I think its better just to focus on the good runes like my Purple Poison Rune for Anathema. I am not 100% on this though..still working it all out.
Here is another video by Ragnorak. I havent had time to watch it yet sorry.
Ragnorak Rune Intro
Advanced Rune Management
Ragnorak published the Rune Management Spreadsheets and you can find a copy of them by following the link. Well that is all that i have right now. I will be adding more to this post as I go so check back.
Okay we have an exciting day here at Deck Heroes. There are so many things going on with the Anniversary and Release of the Runes. Plus there is a guild war where Cobra Kai is going for top 100. Lots of posts coming probably tomorrow because the guild war and playing with Runes is really going to take up my time today.
Exciting News on Deck Heroes
1. Runes have been Released. And you can buy them with Glory which makes it so it doesnt totally kill us F2P and semi F2P players. I have drawn with Gems and Glory so far and the I got a purple with both so that is nice.
2. Gems are 50% off so if you want 100 dollars worth of gems for 50 bucks now is the time to do it. Im broke unfortunately lol but I expect to spend all my glory on Runes today lol.
3. I am going to do a post on Gauntlet Rewards and an updated strategy post.
4. I will try to do a post on Runes but its so big its a little overwhelming so far.
Hey everyone just wanted to apologize for the lack of posting. Cobra Kai got 120 in the Guild War today. Then I have an inspection at work on friday, then I am on vacation so I have a bunch of posts planned.
One of the first thing I am going to try and post is some 10-5 solution videos. This level is a major P.I.T.A. I have been stuck for 2 months.
2. A Guild War - How to build Mashup decks for more plunder at guild wars
3. Guild Maps - Faction Specific cards that are good for various guild heroes
Another thing for the Cobra Kai. We are thinking about making a second guild that is strictly for energy so it wont be so high pressure. So that way those of you who are not higher in level can be a part. I really hate that Cobra Kai couldnt be as casual and fun as I wanted it to be but IGG got greedy and nerfed the Killer Queen...I guess I understand though she was OP and threw the game balance off.
So Check back this weekend for new posts!!! In the meantime here is the New Fallout Trailer!
Alright this is going to be a short post, but now that Killer Queen is nerfed and I am the leader of my own guild: Guild Wars have become more important to me. They are time consuming, tedious and I hate them but without Killer Queen they are absolutely necessary to attain Guild Mall Credits. So I am working on some throwaway decks to help me out in the guild wars.
What is a throwaway deck you ask? Good question. They are decks with the lesser 3* and below heroes just meant to try and add to your courier count and plunder. Here are a few that I have seen and then I will talk about some that I am going to try (if I can ever level enough cards). I am leveling up my Frost Army for Guild Decks so its tuff.
Good Throwaway Decks
Highly Leveled Patriarch fully loaded with flame mages and a couple humanity 7 devotees.
Zora Marauder with 8 sprite link 7 frost ragers and two treant guides. Chaos Witch with a full deck of Cave Dragons.
I am also going to try Elder Mawrek with a bunch of Blood Warlocks, which I will meld Earth Totem on a few of them for guild maps anyways.
Well my wife is awake so I got to go now. Damned list of Honey Dos and Honey dont do thats. But I will be back to add more stuff to this post. I have more deck ideas but she woke up before I could get it out. Lol, Get married and your video game life will suffer. But its worth it. Okay I gtg she is coming lol