This is more of an exploit than a cheat but you can use it to get as much extra gold as you can before you get bored. This Cheat works in any level where you are disconnected from the boss like on Gobliins Part Two. You start off in a little 3 room corridor not connected to anything else.
You can basically just build like 5 rooms in a line and keep adding gold, gems and weaker mobs until you have all the loot, higher level, and gold
that you want. Or until you get bored. You can put a dead end at one end to weaken a Bandido. I managed to get 200 gold, and Overpowered Loot but I could have gotten way more. But after 45 minutes of fighting weakling mobs, I just got bored and finished off the boss quickly.
I was so overpowered by that point that I just connected my corridors to the main map and pretty much instakilled the Orc Warlord. This cheat will work on any level where are you disconnected from the main map.
I am not sure if there is a turn limit but I exploited this for quite awhile before I just simply got bored.
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