Monday, April 20, 2015

Original Recipe Starlord's Pirate Chicken Medallions with Pepper Sauce.

Okay, well I have drifted way off the topic of Deck Heroes here. And I promise that I will not hijack this blog with too many recipes but I created my own original recipe which I call Starlord's Pirate Chicken Medallions with Pepper Sauce. I am Groot!!! it tasted so good. So I will post the Meld here for posterity's sake. I think it would make a damn fine Fajita mix truthfully but it tasted fine on its own.

Original Recipe Starlord's Pirate Chicken Medallions with Pepper Sauce.


Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts 1 pack
Several Sweet Peppers
1 Onion
Just over a stick of Margarine
Garlic Powder
Parsley Flakes
Cracked Pepper
Himalayan Salt (its sweeter) but any Salt will do.


1.Cut Chicken breasts into Medallions.

2.Cut up pepper and remove seeds and ends

3. Chop onion into rings or half rings.

4. Put the chicken in a backing dish and cover the medallions with small slices of butter.

5. Toss Sweet Peppers and Onions over the Chicken

Sprinkle the garlic powder, basil, oregano, parsley, cracked pepper, and salt over the meal. I am sorry I don't do measurements. Just sprinkle it over the meal. Don't overdo it though. I've just been cooking long enough that I know what is about right.

Well that wraps up Starlord's Pirate Winner Winner Chicken Dinner. Damn it was good. Its the only recipe that I have ever made up all by myself that turned out so good. Usually my creations are mediocre at best but all these flavors came together very nicely.

Okay well I will be back with more Deck Heroes posts Tomorrow I promise. I was just so excited about this I had to share it with all of you. Nobody reads my cooking blog lol. Here is a quick video on how to cut chicken into Medallions. I had to watch it lmao.

Starlord out.

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